home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh -e
- # (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd.
- # Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
- # License: GPL v2 or later
- # modified by David D Lowe and Thomas Detoux
- #
- # Setup user and temporary home directory for guest session.
- # If this succeeds, this script needs to print the username as last line to
- # stdout.
- USER=guest
- # if $USER already exists, it must be a locked system account with no existing
- # home directory
- if PWSTAT=`passwd -S "$USER"` 2>/dev/null; then
- if [ "`echo \"$PWSTAT\" | cut -f2 -d\ `" != "L" ]; then
- echo "User account $USER already exists and is not locked"
- exit 1
- fi
- PWENT=`getent passwd "$USER"` || {
- echo "getent passwd $USER failed"
- exit 1
- }
- GUEST_UID=`echo "$PWENT" | cut -f3 -d:`
- if [ "$GUEST_UID" -ge 500 ]; then
- echo "Account $USER is not a system user"
- exit 1
- fi
- HOME=`echo "$PWENT" | cut -f6 -d:`
- if [ "$HOME" != / ] && [ "${HOME#/tmp}" = "$HOME" ] && [ -d "$HOME" ]; then
- echo "Home directory of $USER already exists"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- # does not exist, so create it
- adduser --system --no-create-home --home / --gecos "Guest" --group --shell /bin/bash $USER || {
- umount "$HOME"
- rm -rf "$HOME"
- exit 1
- }
- fi
- # create temporary home directory
- HOME=`mktemp -td guest-home.XXXXXX`
- mount -t tmpfs -o mode=700 none "$HOME" || { rm -rf "$HOME"; exit 1; }
- chown $USER:$USER "$HOME"
- cp -rT /etc/skel/ "$HOME"
- chown -R $USER:$USER "$HOME"
- usermod -d "$HOME" "$USER"
- #
- # setup session
- #
- # disable screensaver, to avoid locking guest out of itself (no password)
- su $USER <<EOF
- gconftool-2 --set --type bool /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen True
- # disable some services that are unnecessary for the guest session
- mkdir --parents "$HOME"/.config/autostart
- cd /etc/xdg/autostart/
- services="jockey-gtk.desktop update-notifier.desktop user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop"
- for service in $services
- do
- if [ -e /etc/xdg/autostart/"$service" ] ; then
- cp "$service" "$HOME"/.config/autostart
- echo "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false" >> "$HOME"/.config/autostart/"$service"
- fi
- done
- chown -R $USER:$USER "$HOME"
- # force restricted guest session (dmrc file owned by root)
- mkdir --parents /var/cache/gdm/"$USER"
- /bin/echo -e '[Desktop]\nSession=guest-restricted' > /var/cache/gdm/"$USER"/dmrc
- echo #TODO: bug workaround, gdm expects to find a newline
- # report user name to gdm
- echo "$USER"